Energy management

View past chats on this topic: July 9, 2017, May 5, 2019, and December 26, 2021.

This #AutChat was on energy management. (Some people use the term “spoons” instead of energy:

You might think of “energy management” as ensuring you have the physical/mental energy to do something when you need to do it. #AutChat

Many (but not all) autistic and similarly neurodivergent people report having lower energy or more difficulty managing energy. #AutChat

Q1: What situations or tasks do you need to manage energy for? #AutChat

Q2: What cues help you recognize when you are running low on energy? #AutChat

Q3: What energy management skills or techniques have you found helpful? #AutChat

Q4: What energy management skills or techniques have you found to NOT be helpful? #AutChat

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