
View a transcript of this chat here. Q1: Does your neurodivergence affect how you earn/acquire money? In what ways? #AutChat Q2: Do you spend any money on neurodiversity-related expenses (occupational therapy, sensory aids, etc)? #AutChat Q3: Does your neurodivergence (for example executive dysfunction, legal guardianship, etc) affect how you manage money? #AutChat Q4: If needed, […]

Apr 9, 2017: Acceptance and awareness (transcript)

@autchatmod (#autchat mod): Welcome to #autchat, a weekly chat for autistic & similar people Sundays 8pm UTC / 9pm BST / 4pm EDT! @autchatmod (#autchat mod): #autchat is a tag for autistic people & “autistic cousins” (people with similar experiences due to hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, ADHD, etc) @autchatmod (#autchat mod): #autchat hosts chats on […]