View past chats on this topic: September 13, 2016, March 17, 2019, and September 26, 2021.
“Hiding how you function” might mean different things: Hiding how difficult it is to do something, hiding the way you do something, because other people don’t think it’s the right way. #AutChat
Sometimes it means hiding that you can do something, because other people believe if you can do one thing you can do everything. #AutChat
Q1: Have you had to hide how you function? If so, what have you had to hide? #AutChat
Q2: What situations have you hidden how you function in? #AutChat
Q3: What are the costs of hiding how you function? The benefits? #AutChat
Q4: How do you tell when it’s a good idea to hide how you function? A bad idea? #AutChat
Questions for this #autchat were written by @theoriesofminds.
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