View previous chats on this topic: May 10, 2016, May 22, 2016, Oct 14, 2018 and July 11, 2021.
This #AutChat is on small barriers to everyday accessibility, like flickering lights in shop windows, etc.
For this chat, “small barriers” mean ones that can be easily fixed, such as replacing a fluorescent bulb with an incandescent one. #AutChat
Q1: Name some barriers to everyday accessibility that you’ve run into. What problems do these barriers cause you? #AutChat
Q2: Why are the barriers there to begin with? Do/did they serve a purpose for the people who put or keep them in place? #AutChat
Q3: What social change would need to happen for these barriers to be removed? #AutChat
Q4: When a barrier can’t be directly removed, are there workarounds that someone could implement? #AutChat