View past chats on this topic: Aug 9, 2016, Feb 16, 2016, and Mar 10, 2019.
We use coping strategies for lots of things: Sensory overwhelm or understimulation, executive dysfunction, social situations, etc. For example, things like “sensory diets”, routines, social scripts. #AutChat
Q1: What coping strategies have you used for sensory overstimulation or understimulation? What works? What doesn’t? #AutChat
Q2: What coping strategies have you used for executive function (starting/stopping tasks, attention)? What works? What doesn’t? #AutChat
Q3: What coping strategies have you used to help with social interactions? What works? What doesn’t? #AutChat
Q4: What coping strategies have you used for other issues? What works? What doesn’t? #AutChat
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