Autism and different cultures (revised)

This chat was originally held on May 31, 2016, and revisited on Jun 12, 2016. You can view a transcript of the first chat here. Today’s #autchat is about autism and different cultures. Thanks to @soft_delete for today’s questions! Q1 Do u think cultural background impacts how different autistics are perceived by others? #autchat Q2 […]

Systemizing and rules

View past chats on this topic: May 29, 2016, May 17, 2016, March 31, 2019, and October 3, 2021. Some autistic and other neurodivergent people use systemizing to help understand complicated things, including social situations. Systemizing can be described as detecting patterns and looking for underlying rules, to help understand things better. #AutChat Questions: Q1: […]

Small barriers to everyday accessibility

View previous chats on this topic: May 10, 2016, May 22, 2016, Oct 14, 2018 and July 11, 2021. ThisĀ #AutChat is on small barriers to everyday accessibility, like flickering lights in shop windows, etc. For this chat, “small barriers” mean ones that can be easily fixed, such as replacing a fluorescent bulb with an incandescent […]