Co-existing sight and hearing disabilities

View a past chat on this topic here. Today’s #AutChat is for autistic and similarly neurodivergent people who also have sight or hearing disabilities. Q1: What kind of sight and/or hearing disability do you have? Have you ever met someone with a similar sight/hearing disability and similar neurodivergence(s)? #AutChat Q2: Did your sight or hearing […]

Forms of communication

View past chats on this topic here: September 9, 2018 and June 6, 2021. Q1: What forms of communications do you use (for example: face-to-face conversation, phone calls, video chat, text chat, email, speech, AAC [augmentative/alternative communication methods], etc.) Are some of these easier or more accessible to you than others? #AutChat Q2: How does […]

Presuming competence

View past chats on this topic here: June 3, 2018, November 22, 2020, and April 9, 2023. “Presuming competence” means starting with the assumption that all disabled people are capable of understanding, communicating, learning, etc. #AutChat The phrase “presume competence” is particularly often used in discussions about nonspeaking autistic children’s communication and education, though it […]

Language preferences (for what we like to be called)

View a past chat on this topic here. This #autchat is on language preferences for describing ourselves with respect to disability (for example, “person with a disability” versus “disabled person”). Preferences can be contentious and personal. — Preferences vary. Example: for autism, in a 2015 UK survey, when asked to choose ONE term to describe […]