
View past chats on this topic: October 6, 2019 and March 13, 2022. (You may also be interested in our other empathy chat.) Empathy involves different abilities and skills. For example, researchers often distinguish affective empathy (feeling distress, sympathy, or compassion in response to others’ emotions) from cognitive empathy (understanding what others think or feel). […]

Conflicting accessibility needs

View past chats on this topic: September 29, 2019 and February 27, 2022. Sometimes, one person’s accessibility needs conflicts with someone else’s. For example, one person may need a quiet classroom to be able to learn, while another person may need to be able to make noise. These are conflicting accessibility needs. #AutChat Q1: Have […]

Interoception (body awareness)

View past chas on this topic: September 9, 2019 and February 6, 2022. Interoception refers to the abilities people use to tell what’s going on in our bodies—our awareness of physical signals and ability to interpret them accurately. For example, noticing and correctly identifying signals that indicate hunger, pain, temperature, nausea, needing to use the […]

Auditory processing

View past chats on this topic here: May 26, 2019, and January 16, 2022. Auditory processing problems are common in some neurodivergences, including autism and ADHD. They often include difficulty understanding speech, especially if there’s background noise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_processing_disorder #AutChat Auditory processing problems are different from being d/Deaf or hard-of-hearing, though someone can have auditory processing […]

Attraction and orientation (sexual, romantic, and other)

View past chats on this topic here: May 12, 2019 and January 23, 2022. You don’t have to disclose your orientations or attractions to participate, though you can if you want. This chat includes other kinds of attraction and orientation as well as sexual and romantic ones. For example, platonic attraction, aesthetic attraction, etc. #AutChat […]

Self-concept and learning you’re autistic or similarly neurodivergent

View past chats on this topic: April 21, 2019 and October 10, 2021. A1: Did learning you were autistic or similarly neurodivergent change how you thought of yourself? Of other people? #AutChat A2: Has how you thought of yourself or other people continued to change over time? #AutChat A3: Has your self-concept changed for other […]

Autism Acceptance Month chat

View past chats on this topic: April 7, 2019 and April 17, 2022. This #AutChat is about Autism Acceptance Month (which is this month—April). Autism Acceptance Month was started in 2011 by Paula Durbin-Westby as a response to harmful and insufficient autism awareness campaigns. https://www.autismacceptancemonth.com/about/ #AutChat Q1: Do you do anything in particular to celebrate […]