Executive function: impulse regulation and emotional regulation

View past chats on this topic here: September 30, 2018, and May 16, 2021.

This #AutChat is about the ability to self-regulate impulses and to self-regulate emotions. These are both aspects of executive function.

Regulating impulses means things like avoiding becoming distracted, thinking before acting, etc.

Emotional control refers to managing your emotions and how they influence what you do.

Sometimes emotions tell us important things, and sometimes they get in the way of what we want to do. #AutChat

Q1: Do you have difficulty with impulse management? For example, interrupting other people or infodumping when it’s a bad idea, getting distracted too easily from tasks, stimming at times you want to (and can) suppress it, or procrastinating. #AutChat

Q2: How do you tell the difference between impulses that are important to act on, and ones that aren’t important or that need to wait? #AutChat

Q3: Is managing your emotions difficult for you?

If too much (or too little) of an emotion interferes with your tasks or goals, what strategies do you use to increase/decrease it? #AutChat

Q4: How do you know when you need to stop and listen to your emotions, and when you need to try to control or contain them them and refocus on what you were doing? #AutChat

Q5: What would you like other people to know about your impulse control or emotion regulation—either things that are difficult for you or things that are helpful? #AutChat

Questions for this chat written by @theoriesofminds and @endeverstar.

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