Learning social skills

View past chats on this topic: December 4, 2016, March 3, 2019, March 8, 2020, and July 10, 2022.

Today’s #AutChat is about learning social skills. For the purpose of this chat, “social skills” means skills that help you interact with other people more effectively.

Learning social skills is a process. We get better at social skills, and at learning them, all our lives. Neurotypical people learn social skills too, of course!

But we sometimes need different skills, and may need to learn them in different ways. #AutChat


Q1: What’s been most helpful with developing social skills? People, techniques, resources? #AutChat

Q2: What social skills that you’ve learned are most useful to you? #AutChat

Q3: Are there any “anti-skills” you’ve learned — social skills that you thought would be useful but wound up being unhelpful? #AutChat

Q4: What advice would you give your past self about social skills? A year ago, two years ago, five, etc? #AutChat

Questions for this #autchat were written by @theoriesofminds.

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