Quality services (including special ed and community-based)

View a past chat on this topic: May 19, 2015.

In this #autchat we’re talking about what quality services are. This includes but isn’t limited to special ed & community based services.

When #autchat says staff, this could be teachers, aides, direct support staff, theraputic staff supports- those providing you services

That is not an exhaustive list of who staff areā€”just make sure you answer Q1! #autchat


Q1: What kind of services have you received? What kind of staff have helped provide those services? #autchat

Q2: What are some examples of bad experiences you’ve had w/staff? (You can include both bad/unhelpful service & discrimination) #autchat

Q3: What are some good things you’ve experienced with staff? What made a staff person a good staff person? #autchat

Q4: What makes for good staff? What do you want staff to know or to act like for you to think they are good & quality staff? #autchat

Questions for this chat were written by @nicocoer.

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