View past chats on this topic here: November 24, 2019 and June 26, 2022. You may also be interested in our more general sleep chat.
We have had a chat about sleep in general before. Today we are going to talk more specifically about sleep dysregulation and unusual sleep experiences. #AutChat
Q1: Do you experience atypical sleep patterns (time, schedule, quality, other)? #AutChat
Q2: Do you have intense dreams, sleepwalking, restless legs, other involuntary behaviors, or other unusual experiences? #AutChat
Q3: If you experience atypical sleep patterns, dreams, or involuntary nighttime behaviors, do you think they are related to your neurodivergence(s)? Do you know other neurodivergent (or neurotypical) people who have similar experiences? #AutChat
Q4: If atypical sleep patterns, dreams, or involuntary nighttime behaviors cause problems for you, how do you try to manage those problems? If other people have suggested approaches, have those been helpful? Unhelpful? #AutChat
Q5: Do you remember your dreams? Do your dreams change depending on situations in your waking life? #AutChat